ranking of WL5 strategy performance
Author: MikeCaron
Creation Date: 1/16/2009 7:08 AM
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A great feature of WL4 web site was the ranking of performance. Will this be added to the WL5 site?
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We're still ranking the public scripts at wl4.com, but it's a can of worms letting users publish scripts for Version 5. At least initially, we're looking to provide the ability to run several "core scripts" with charting on this site. One step at a time.
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(Oops... let's remove some duplicate content of the message.)

On-site scripting just like it was before isn't feasible since .NET gives too much rope to shoot yourself in the foot.
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But if users "submit" scripts for publishing / ranking, wouldn't you be vetting them first for dangerous errata or "dangerous conduct?"

If concern is that there remains possibility that something bad will still slip by WL Forum managers, couldn't such scripts then be made available to a restricted website area open to select highly qualified WL .NET users to vet for a period of time / internal discussion / discussion with author, before being released as beta published rankable script for further review and consideration?

Et cetera?

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Private scripts can also be malicious.
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