Upload and trade 110 different tickers easily
Author: tomshortt
Creation Date: 5/1/2010 6:50 AM
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I have an offline model that I use to select longs and shorts. I have 110 tickers that I want to place trades on in a paper accout and track for a while. Is there an easy way to upload the ticker, order (buy or sell short), and the shares? Thanks
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What's an "offline model"? Where to "upload"?
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I have a fundamental model in Access and Excel. The output in 110 ticker symbols I want to trade via Wealth-Lab Pro 5.6 at Fidelity. I want to test this in a paperaccount, and once tested, trade with fidelity. The 110 symbols will change from day to dat or week to week, all determined by my off-line fundamental model. I'd like to upload (via import and a script) the following fields from excel to Wealth-Lab Pro 5.6 Trading. Symbol, Action, Quantity, Order Type to execute the first 110 trades, and then make daily changes, again uploaded from an excel spreadsheet to Wealth-Lab Pro 5.6. Thanks Tom
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Two options come to mind:

* Import real (historical) trades
* (optimum) Programming your offline model as a C# Strategy
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