The process cannot access file because it is being used by another process
Author: drjaymichael
Creation Date: 12/26/2019 3:41 PM
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WL will not go past 12-20-19

When I try I get a long error message not possible to copy: The process cannot access file c:\Users\Miichael Peterson\AppData\Roaming\Fidelity Investments\WealthLabPro\1.000\FidelityStatid{rover/5minjute\S\SQQQ.WL because it is being used by another process. Unable to get Dataon Demand for symbol SQQQ.

I tired turning off data on demand but this did nothing.

Help appreciated.

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An error message without the context doesn't tell anything. Please provide the following information:

1. The context. What Wealth-Lab tool is in use when you get it (Data Manager, static Strategy Window, streaming Strategy window, Strategy Monitor etc.)
2. Where exactly "WL will not go past 12-20-19" ? Have you chosen "All Data" and made sure that the ending date is not 12/20/2019 ?
3. What symbols and bar scales are affected? What about bar scales other than 5 minute?
4. To clarify explanations, send a screen shot by striking the "Print Screen" key and then pasting into Paint or other imaging application. Save as PNG and attach.
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Will try to answer your questions. I am running simple 5 minute chart. If do other time frames (10 min, 15 min) it works fine and will make a chart up to the current minute. Yes, all data is chosen. Here's a screen shot. SQQQ chart is on right.

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Thanks for the details.

1. Are you also running Strategy Monitor there?
2. Does any running strategy access an external symbol?

P.S. By the way, to save you from the trouble of typing in the contents of an error, here's a power user tip. If error message is a modal Windows error dialog, you could simply strike Ctrl-C to copy the underlying error message and Ctrl-V to paste it when replying (a standard Windows shortcut). Yes, it will work with this particular dialog.
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Am not running any strategy, just a chart. Symbol I think I said is SQQQ. Re copying message I am on a mac. Easy enough to do selective print screen. When I've had problems with WL in the past I have deleted the 1.000 file and set for creation of a new file 1.001 I think. Shall I do this?

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Wealth-Lab is not supported on a Mac but should work in general. It's not necessary to delete the entire Data folder at this time.

Let's try reloading the data file for now:

1. Close WLP.
2. Enable hidden file visibility if required: How to show hidden files in Windows.
3. Navigate to c:\Users\Miichael Peterson\AppData\Roaming\Fidelity Investments\WealthLabPro\\Data\FidelityStaticProvider\5 minute\S\
4. Backup SQQQ.WL to another directory (say Desktop) and delete it.


5. Navigate to c:\Users\Miichael Peterson\AppData\Roaming\Fidelity Investments\WealthLabPro\\Data\DrawingObjects.Standard\5 minute\S\
6. Delete SQQQ.DRW
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OK. Working on this. What am I thinking.Am running wlp on windows 10 via parallels on a mac. back soon
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I backed up and went to #5 above. It says the folder is empty.
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whoops forgot to close wlp.
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OK. Did as directed and still says the folder is empty.
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It says the folder is empty.

OK no problem with this one. There are no drawing objects, good or corrupt. Just skip 5 and 6.

whoops forgot to close wlp.

Once steps 1 to 4 are done, please update the 5-min Fidelity DataSet with SQQQ and see if it solves the problem.
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Yep, that worked.Thanks Eugene.

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So that was broken file. Glad I could be of assistance.
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