Strategy using Neuro-Lab with ZigZag Output function
Author: pedro1977
Creation Date: 10/14/2013 8:32 AM
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Hi there, just wanted to share this strategy I saw in a youtube video in russian, using WL 6.2. I don´t speak russian, but I copied the code and I believe maybe the only thing needed to make it run is to update the ZigZag (ZIndicators) which apparently doesn´t exist anymore (Only errors I get, besides 4 lines of indicators). Maybe someone can help me update this to the new 6.5 standards (peak and through I suppose) ? If it´s too much trouble, please just point me in the right direction. Thank you.

Link to the video :
WL Screens go from 01:06:00 to 01:35:00 approx.

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ZIndicators must be a library developed by Russian company Zerich Investments a couple years ago. Unfortunately, they're no longer in this (Wealth-Lab) business. To try to obtain the library, you might want to contact their successors at:

As an alternative, check out this ZigZag class:

ZigZag Class
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Yes Eugene, you´re right, it´s from Zerich :) I already tried contacting them, let´s see. I have a ZigZag Strategy that I like, can I use it instead in Neuro-Lab ? How would I do that, please ? Do we have something similar developed ? Thank you.
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I'm not familiar with this, but you might find it useful:

ZigZag indicators with NeuroLab
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Eugene, could you please just help me with this piece of code ? Using the ZigZag Class, but I get an error CS1061 : it doesn´t contain a definition for "Bin". I have no idea how to change that. Thanks.

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Look, you're confusing the Zerich ZigZag class with our ZigZag where there's no "Bin" property. Sorry, we can not help you with the code that is not supported by its creators. Don't merge different code mechanically, it won't work.
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I´m trying to use the class you showed me. Not trying to mix them. But since there´s no "Bin" property, I was just thinking if there´s a way to do what it´s doing using what´s available in WL libraries. It´s creating a binary Signal variable, right ? I know that´s what shows on his screen. I tried searching for binary in all the documentation and Wiki and found nothing, that´s why I´m asking for help. It´s my first week using WL and I really really like it, sorry for all the newbie questions. Just trying to learn this with no programming experience but very willing to put in the hard work. Is this very basic required knowledge from C# ? No problem, just let me know and I´ll go learn it.
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It´s creating a binary Signal variable, right ?

Don't ask me, try asking the authors (see above). I've no idea what their code does.
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Ok, I thought it was possible to know from the code. Thanks for the help, I´ll let you know if they answer my e-mails.
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I thought it was possible to know from the code.

Yes, but not always possible when the code is based upon an unknown 3rd party library.
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