Recognize existing data using symlinks
Author: akar
Creation Date: 4/8/2017 5:21 PM
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My hard drive crashed and I had to install Wealthlab. Previous to the crash I used to keep the data in a separate drive (T:). However when I point the new installation to the old directory (T:), it's not seeing the DATASETS. Here's what I did.

C:\> cd C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\Fidelity Investments\WealthLabPro\

:\> mklink /j "C:\Users\Adminr\AppData\Roaming\Fidelity Investments\WealthLabPro\\Data" "T:\TRADING\PLATFORMS\WEALTHLABPRO\\Data"

Restarted WL but it's still not seeing the datasets in the "T:\TRADING\PLATFORMS\WealthLabPro\\Data\DataSets" and using the defaults
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I've noticed a typo here:

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Fixed the typo but still the same problem.
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So what is the output of the command?

Does the Data folder at AppData\Roaming already exist? When symlinking a directory, it should not work if it does.
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I figured out the problem.

I installed the program as ADMIN and was modifying the USER\ADMIN directory. However I am running it as a different user. When I change the c:\<USER> path, then it started working.

Thanks for the help.
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Thanks for letting the forum know. I've added a note to the Wiki FAQ > Data.
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