Author: urielt
Creation Date: 6/23/2009 10:47 AM
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i get an error when translating to v5

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Don't code what you can beg, borrow or steal! :)

Grab Community.Indicators right here:
Laguerre RSI
Adaptive Laguerre filter
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i try to translate to use it as a strategy to v5 when i try to compile it i get an error

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1. Whenever possible, try to ask WealthScript Translator related questions on its support forum.
2. The error message is basically telling you that the compiler was unable to find a required assembly (library, DLL). Go to your WSTL installation directory and find WealthScriptTL.dll there. Copy it to Wealth-Lab Developer 5 main directory.
3. There is a little glitch in fundtimer's code you found here. The LaguerreRSI is initialized with the Period=0.5, but later in the code gets substituted with Period=0.0, because the Period variable is never initialized, so it's assumed to be 0. In C# 2.0, it shouldn't be possible. WL5 will raise an error on an attempt to use an non-initialized variable.

Here's the native code that doesn't require WSTL but requires Community.Indicators to be insttalled:
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Thanks so much Eugene,

i am trying to have a strategy base on LaguerreRSI by John F. Ehlers filter . the strategy basically buy at "20" market price
and sell at "80" at market price (and have the option to modify the 20 and 80)

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Here you go.

I assumed that you wanted the series to cross over/under the 20/80 thresholds when coding this.

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