Looking for a mentor
Author: pwong313
Creation Date: 7/16/2008 8:21 AM
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Hi all,
I'm new to both WLP and to this community and I'm looking for a mentor to help me through the learning process. I know I can post questions on this site, but I'd rather be able to communicate back and forth with someone via email or something as ideas and questions come to me.

I don't know much programming at all, but I've been trading for over 13 years and I'm fairly knowledgeable about technical analysis. So I'm hoping someone would be willing to exchange ideas with me on how to get started with WLP. I have some ideas I want to implement, but I'm overwhelmed by all the different parts of this application.

thanks in advance for anyone willing to help.
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I'll be glad to give you a basic tutorial on how this thing works. I was a WLP3, 4, and I think 4.5 user, and am now getting the hang of 5.0, which has been completely architected, and not all of the functionality of the old system exists in 5.0.

The principles remain the same, however.

You can send me email at mailto:jcaron@invisiguy.com
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