Error message
Author: jtgraham
Creation Date: 2/9/2009 2:43 PM
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This script from the Translator did not compile. The error messages were "The name 'WL_SOLID' does not exit in the current context" Can you suggest how to correct this problem?

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Dr.Koch, please take a look why does WSTL lose its WL_SOLID constant?

Meanwhile a pure WealthScript version:

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Thanks, Eugene. When I copied and pasted the code you provided into New Strategy from Code, it all came out on one line. Did I leave out a step?
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Did I leave out a step?

It's not your fault. Your browser is IE7 and this site has a bug when copying from IE7.

Two workarounds:

1. Change IE7 to Firefox3. Copy/paste will work flawlessly and your browsing will benefit from extra speed, security and usability of Firefox.
2. For IE7: copy -> paste to Wordpad -> copy from Wordpad -> paste elsewhere.
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