Can't see some protected contents in Wiki
Author: abegy
Creation Date: 5/25/2018 11:45 AM
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Hi Eugene,

I don't know why but sometime I don't see tsome protected contents in the Wiki.

For example, the followin one : or (for Broker provider).

Is it normal ?
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Hi Alexandre,

1) Users aren't supposed to view hidden content at the bottom of that page (intentionally).

2) As for the API guide, I believe this is a cookie issue. Try logging off (from the Wiki, not our website) and then back in. Or retry in a different browser.
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I have tried several times (login/logout) with Chrome and Edge without success. I can't see the protected content.
Can you check my rights ?
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It's ok with your rights but not so with the page. Fixed the permissions so you could see some protected notes on page #2 (which is duplicated in the FAQ). Thanks.

But don't expect to find documentation for building broker adapters there: it does not exist.
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Thanks Eugene.
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