Can't Get to Forum from Home Page
Author: joannakim
Creation Date: 6/11/2013 4:35 PM
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Hi. I tried many times today and several days ago to log into the Forum or Forum/General, but I could not get to the page, and was unable to read Eugene's answer to my question posted there. So out of only other option that I could find, I went, and reported this on a ticket which I did not want to do.

I went back into the ticket, and realized that Eugene had provided a link to my question in the Forum, and i finally got to view his answers.

How could I resolve this issue? I normally click on the 'Forum' near the bottom of the home page of Thanks.
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I don't know what you're doing wrong, but you can always get to the forum by selecting "Wealth-Lab Forum Categories" from the black dropdown menu that says "Wealth-Lab Software".
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I have observed the same bug, the web site is definitely broken. This started perhaps a week or so ago. If you click on the black dropdown area on Support > Global Forum it just takes you back to the main page. Same if you click the Forums link at the bottom left area of the main page. I posted this as a bug report a few days ago.
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You can always access the forums by clicking on topic names on "Recent WL contributions" on the home page, or by clicking "Wealth-Lab Software" > "Wealth-Lab Forum Categories".
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I also cannot get into the Support / Global Form sub-page. I can use the work around that is suggested above, however Global Forum page had search functionality that I would like to use. Something is definitely "broken" with the web-page to get to Support / Global Forum.
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There was a website update a week ago that brought Most Recent Posts back. That somehow affected the forum link but the webmaster is aware of the issue. Just there are more important tasks to tackle right now.

however Global Forum page had search functionality that I would like to use

Either here in the category list:, or inside any category: - the global forum search functionality is available. It has not broken anyhow.
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