ActiveTrader 2011-05 | Inverse ETF switching system
Author: Eugene
Creation Date: 4/7/2011 7:04 AM
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Code for ActiveTrader 2011-05 | Inverse ETF switching system published.

We recommend downloading it directly using the convenient "Strategy Download" feature (found in Wealth-Lab's "Open Strategy" dialog).
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Eugene, I just downloaded the strategy from the Fidelity WLP Extensions and then as you instructed above. I assume I have to create a data set with the inverse ETFs to use this, correct?

Also which pre-built strategy on the library would you suggest for a breakout system?

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Yes, create a new DataSet with these 8 symbols (DIA DOG QQQ PSQ QLD QID SPY SH) and update it.

Note that the code is not updated for the QQQQ ticker change so you need to replace QQQQ to QQQ in the code and save/compile.
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Hi Eugen, I just created the DataSet and replaced the QQQQ with QQQ in the code (I found three instances I had to do this). It worked fine and strategy did not produce any errors.

Would I chose Scale to "Daily"? Does it work on 30 min chart and scale?
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Although its AtClose exit orders do not make great sense intraday, the strategy can be run on any scale. After all, we just give you food for thought i.e. for your own experiments.
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I'm trying to code something similar to the ETF Inverse switching system but can't seem to figure it out after trying to go through the code and looking at the code from a similar post on an inverse strategy that uses trailing stops. I'd like to be able to have conditions to enter and exit DIA and when exiting to open a position in DOG.


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What "something similar" are you trying to code? Where can we find its exact and detailed rules?
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The "something similar" is to enter a position in an ETF like DIA when RSI > 50 and exit DIA when RSI > 70 or .vix >20 and enter its inverse, DOG, the next day so when no position in DIA is open. Hope that clarifies.
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And when should your system exit the inverse ETF (DOG)?
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When the conditions to enter DIA exist again
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I didn't look too closely so all troubleshooting and editing is on you. ;)
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Anyone successfully created a strategy for leveraged etfs? TIA ...
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