- ago
To Reproduce:

1) Open WL7
2) Open New Chart
3) Add ValueChart (VChart) Indicator
4) Change Ticker to MSFT, CSCO or AAPL

Screenshot of result below.

System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. (Parameter 'index')
at WealthLab.Core.TimeSeries.GetLowest(Int32 bar, Int32 range)
at ComparatorMapping.FindWrapper(Object , Int32 , Int32 , ComparatorMapping )
at WealthLab.ChartWPF.BarChartSeriesStyle.GetMinValue(Int32 start, Int32 end)
at WealthLab.ChartWPF.ChartPane.CountDic(List`1 info)
at WealthLab.ChartWPF.ChartPane.RenderPane(DrawingContext dc)
at WealthLab.ChartWPF.ChartPane.FillProccesor(Object , Object )
at WealthLab.ChartWPF.ChartPane.OnRender(DrawingContext dc)
at System.Windows.UIElement.Arrange(Rect finalRect)
at System.Windows.ContextLayoutManager.UpdateLayout()
at System.Windows.ContextLayoutManager.UpdateLayoutCallback(Object arg)
at System.Windows.Media.MediaContext.InvokeOnRenderCallback.DoWork()
at System.Windows.Media.MediaContext.FireInvokeOnRenderCallbacks()
at System.Windows.Media.MediaContext.RenderMessageHandlerCore(Object resizedCompositionTarget)
at System.Windows.Media.MediaContext.RenderMessageHandler(Object resizedCompositionTarget)
at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)

7 Replies



- ago
Thanks for submitting the bug report. Fixing it for B28.
- ago
It apears it also occurs when creating a "margin" on the right of chart via the click-hold and drag price axis feature.... but only if the indicator is added FIRST.

If you create a future margin, THEN add the indicator the exception does not occur, but the vertical scale is not right.... It returns to correct scale only when future margin is removed. (no eception thrown)

Note, that indicator values apear to be OK, just the vertical scale that is off. (image below exception data)

Image of Exception when creating a future margin

System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. (Parameter 'index')
at WealthLab.Core.TimeSeries.GetLowest(Int32 bar, Int32 range)
at ComparatorMapping.FindWrapper(Object , Int32 , Int32 , ComparatorMapping )
at WealthLab.ChartWPF.BarChartSeriesStyle.GetMinValue(Int32 start, Int32 end)
at WealthLab.ChartWPF.ChartPane.CountDic(List`1 info)
at WealthLab.ChartWPF.ChartPane.RenderPane(DrawingContext dc)
at WealthLab.ChartWPF.ChartPane.FillProccesor(Object , Object )
at WealthLab.ChartWPF.ChartPane.OnRender(DrawingContext dc)
at System.Windows.UIElement.Arrange(Rect finalRect)
at System.Windows.Controls.Grid.ArrangeOverride(Size arrangeSize)
at System.Windows.FrameworkElement.ArrangeCore(Rect finalRect)
at System.Windows.UIElement.Arrange(Rect finalRect)
at System.Windows.Controls.DockPanel.ArrangeOverride(Size arrangeSize)
at System.Windows.FrameworkElement.ArrangeCore(Rect finalRect)
at System.Windows.UIElement.Arrange(Rect finalRect)
at System.Windows.Controls.DockPanel.ArrangeOverride(Size arrangeSize)
at System.Windows.FrameworkElement.ArrangeCore(Rect finalRect)
at System.Windows.UIElement.Arrange(Rect finalRect)
at MS.Internal.Helper.ArrangeElementWithSingleChild(UIElement element, Size arrangeSize)
at System.Windows.Controls.ContentPresenter.ArrangeOverride(Size arrangeSize)
at System.Windows.FrameworkElement.ArrangeCore(Rect finalRect)
at System.Windows.UIElement.Arrange(Rect finalRect)
at System.Windows.Controls.Border.ArrangeOverride(Size finalSize)
at System.Windows.FrameworkElement.ArrangeCore(Rect finalRect)
at System.Windows.UIElement.Arrange(Rect finalRect)
at System.Windows.Controls.Control.ArrangeOverride(Size arrangeBounds)
at System.Windows.FrameworkElement.ArrangeCore(Rect finalRect)
at System.Windows.UIElement.Arrange(Rect finalRect)
at System.Windows.Controls.DockPanel.ArrangeOverride(Size arrangeSize)
at System.Windows.FrameworkElement.ArrangeCore(Rect finalRect)
at System.Windows.UIElement.Arrange(Rect finalRect)
at System.Windows.ContextLayoutManager.UpdateLayout()
at System.Windows.ContextLayoutManager.UpdateLayoutCallback(Object arg)
at System.Windows.Media.MediaContext.InvokeOnRenderCallback.DoWork()
at System.Windows.Media.MediaContext.FireInvokeOnRenderCallbacks()
at System.Windows.Media.MediaContext.RenderMessageHandlerCore(Object resizedCompositionTarget)
at System.Windows.Media.MediaContext.RenderMessageHandler(Object resizedCompositionTarget)
at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)

If you create Future Margin First, then add the Indicator you get this:

- ago
This is fixed in B28.
Best Answer
- ago
Thanks Eugene,

I came across another issue with the VChart that I think is linked to this error, can you confirm?

1) add a valueChart to a new chart - default settings (no other indicators except price and volume)
2) close all other mdiChild forms
3) Save workspace (do not set as default)
4) switch to another workspace or restart WL7
5) load the saved workspace.

Result: Valuechart and Volume Panes do not populate (White space) and program goes into "hang time". No errors or exception messages displayed, but Task Manager shows CPU usage fluctuating and RAM usage steadily growing. Program remains unresponsive for extened time. Task Manager END TASK is only way to kill the program.

 ( 8.38% )
- ago
It's working fine in Buidl 28, can you check again after B28 is release (probably tomorrow?)
- ago
- ago
Confirmed fixes for these issue in Build 28

1) Symbols MSFT / AAPL etc error - checked and confirmed fix
2) Moving margin error - checked and confirmed fix
3) range scale issue - checked and confirmed fix

nice work :)



