- ago
The functionality for creating rotational strategies from the strategy menu is in my opinion one of the most interesting improvements of WL 7 over WL6.9.
However, it would be even better if once the strategy was created from the "New Rotarion Strategy" menu, it would be allowed to modify the strategy created from the code, as is already the case with "building blocks".
Is this development planned for future versions?
I'm clear that rotational strategies can be created from the beginning with code, but even better if the tool allowed to create the basic parameters as it is done now visually and then be able to edit and add options from the code based on what was created from the "New Rotarion Strategy" menu.
13 Replies



- ago
I think that editing rotation strategies directly requires above average language skills and the share of users who demand it would not be very high. Even more so it is not clear from your message what exactly may be required to edit there in C# code?

Prior to marking this with #FeatureRequest tag, let's understand first what the Rotation strategy's template may be lacking in your opinion and what features could be introduced. Looking forward to it. Thanks.
- ago
Thanks for your quick reply Eugene
Sorry if I've not explained myself well. I think it would be a very useful feature and in fact I think it would be good if users could vote on it if they are interested.
For example, imagine that you want to create a strategy that from a DataSet of 10 symbols buy the 3 symbols with the best return in 12 months.
This can be done perfectly with the current visual menu “New Rotation Strategy” using the ROC indicator (Rate of Change with the close parameter at 12). But imagine that you want to improve that strategy and what you want is to buy the symbols that have the highest value of an average of the returns of 1,3 and 6 months.
This would be easy to do by editing the first strategy in code, but impossible to do currently from the current “New Rotation Strategy” function.

Of course starting a new programming with code could be done, but the idea of the improvement is to be able to rely on the code previously made thanks to "New Rotation Strategy" without having to write all the code every time you want to create a new rotational strategy that cannot be created from "New Rotation Strategy"
- ago
I think it is a great idea spikemc
 ( 11.36% )
- ago
The RotationStrategy class in not derived from UserStrategyBase, which is the base class for all C# and Building Block Strategies. It’s derived from StrategyBase which is one level up in the class hierarchy. For this reason what you’re asking for simply isn’t possible.
- ago
But imagine that you want to improve that strategy and what you want is to buy the symbols that have the highest value of an average of the returns of 1,3 and 6 months. This would be easy to do by editing the first strategy in code, but impossible to do currently from the current “New Rotation Strategy” function.

Users can accomplish this without editing the Rotation strategy code if they:
1. start WL7 with elevated privileges (right-click the shortcut and choose 'Run as admin')
2. create an Indicator which would average the ROC for 1,3 and 6 periods
3. while using WL7 as admin, this custom indicator could be selected as the Weight Factor of a Rotation strategy.
Best Answer
- ago
Thanks Eugene
Although the average of 1, 3 and 6 months was only an example, what you indicate may be helpful in some cases.
- ago
One of the enhancements would be to have it select from the top [x] indicator rank but not sell unless it fall into the bottom [y]% of the indicator rank. Allows for more stability, less turnover and a chance for the market to rotate back into the given security.
 ( 11.36% )
- ago
I agree, that would be a worthwhile enhancement!
 ( 11.36% )
- ago
Another possibility is to have two weight variables, one long term and one short term. You could then take the strongest (overbought) ranked long term and weakest (oversold) ranked short term to get strong stocks that are having recent pullbacks.
- ago
Good idea. Testing it right now!
 ( 11.36% )
- ago
That's the basis of the strategy I'm currently trading for over a year, and is also available on WealthSignals.com, with out-of-sample performance recorded ...

- ago
First - I'd like to say that the Wealth-Lab team continues to over deliver, I love your new rotation strategy tool. It's so simple to use, includes optimization, and very fast execution - I'm amazed!

I'll cast an up vote to spikemc's request, as I was just looking for the same functionality. Really it comes down to testing rotational strategies that use more than 1 indicator to trigger a buy or sell. For instance indicator A is the primary Weight Factor Indicator as currently used in your tool, but you only want to trigger a buy/sell if indicators b, c, and d are at levels that work in your system (in this case b, c, and d act as filters). The addition of filtering indicators could be added in your tool, or as spikemc suggests we could do it manually if the tool could dump the c# code.

Also really like mjj3's suggestion of allowing the rotation strategy to hold off closing out a position based on the indicator weight factor rank being definable.

Again, congratulations to the WL team for creating this new release and this awesome new tool.


