streaming quotes from Excel
Author: csn
Creation Date: 2/3/2010 6:59 AM
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Is it possible to get quotes and formulas from excel to wealthlab which are streaming and updating very minute?
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Yes, it is possible if you create a Streaming Data Provider for Excel (or hire someone to do the job).
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P.S. Excel provides two COM-based interfaces for that: the so-called real-time data feature (RTD) or a more universal Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) approach.
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Hello, Eugene, could you connect with me via
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Hi Eugene,

I am creating a DDE streaming data provider. I found abstract Subscribe and Unsubscribe methods but no idea how to transfer data to Wealth Lab. It seems no event member from StreamingDataProvider. How can I do that? Thanks.
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Hi Alvin,

Later this month, Fidelity plans to release the API manual. The StreamingDataProvider interface will be documented there.
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would you please give me some hints of that? I got data from DDE server and called UpdateQuote but it display nothing in Quote window.
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I forgot to set TimeStamp value. My DDE Streaming Provider is working now.
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alvincho: can i ask what you use to stream live quotes to excel? I was using bloomberg but lost that data feed, IB limits me to 100 symbols. I have Yahoo real time prices, but have been having some issues getting that to stream to excel. Thanks.

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Frankly I don't trade for living, I am a programmer. I have used several sources incluing Bloomberg, Reuters, and some local (Taiwan) vendors.
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thanks anyway.
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To anyone interested:

I'm working on a streaming provider for Excel live data which will support Excel and OpenOffice. A customized Excel/OOo spreadsheet can then be used to connect to any DDE data source(s) (e.g. MetaTrader, IB and many more).
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This provider has been released. Check it out on the project's home page. The source code was disclosed and should be available to known customers.
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