Three ideas on WLD improvement
Author: tradercn
Creation Date: 11/8/2011 9:05 AM
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1, Macro is needed!
Every morning, I have to update my EOD data into txt file first. Or, I have to copy some data files from one directory to the other directory. After that, I opened WLD to see if there is any trade signal issued. If there exists macro function, WLD will automatically update the EOD data to txt file, and open strategy monitor. That will be great!
I test different strategies in a fixed way. If there is a macro, testing won't be time consuming. Because I don't need to wait, all the result can be showed in Excel spreadsheet as I expected.
I wish the macro language could be VBA or C#.
2, Time zone.
In WLD, I saw the time is refered as GMT +15:00, why not show the earth or timezone list? So that we can easily set the time zone. For example, to set Beijing time, we can simply point to the capital of China. To set EST time, we can choose Eastern Time from the time zone list.
3, Combination Strategy.
The combination strategy is a great idea. But I wish it could be simplified by combining with Rules. For example, I wish to set my combination strategy conditionally. If condition a is true, strategy one will be executed. Conditions can be technical indicator based or position based.
Thanks for the help from Wealth-Lab! Best wishes to Wealth-Lab! :)
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1. You're looking at it from an incorrect angle. That won't happen because we don't think that stuffing the application up is a great idea.

The correct procedure for your workflow would be to get the EOD data updated at the right time. (This costs much less than throwing in a macro language in a million-code-line application.) The rest is the Strategy Monitor's job.

So the main objective is to get the files updated. Depending on your skills, you might want to...

a) Build a static data provider for your EOD data in TXT files, or
b) (Hypothetically) Schedule a download job to get the files downloaded onto your HDD, or
c) Learn some AutoItScript and create an AutoIT script for automating your task in the versatile AutoIT language (is there something it can not do?)...

2. Simplification.

3. There already exists a Combination Strategy suggestion/enhancement thread where this idea have most likely been mentioned before. I believe this is on the wishlist simply because I remember voicing it out half a year ago.
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Thanks for your quick response. But can I set strategy monitor runs automatically after WLD starts? Do I have to learn AutoItScript for that? Thanks again. You gave me so much brilliant ideas!
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Although AutoItScript is capable of handling tasks way more complex than hitting the "F3" key to start Strategy Monitor, my advice would be - simply don't shut it down (WLD and/or PC). Just let it run, for simplicity.
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can we write a program to run strategy monitor alone? I am just thinking.
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How about adding the S. Monitor to the Default Workspace so that it is operating after Weatlh-Lab launches?
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My reply was as if tradercn was after running Strategy Monitor without the rest of the application. ;)
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