Symbol codes management in WLD
Author: abegy
Creation Date: 10/6/2011 3:36 AM
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I understand that WLD changes symbol codes to uppercase all the time internally.

What is the consequence if I use the following components : if you use Reuters Datalink ? I ask you this question because for Reuters Datalink, symbol codes Ta and TA are used to codify differents company.
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I understand that WLD changes symbol codes to uppercase all the time internally.

Not "Wealth-Lab". The idea of my comments in this discussion was just to shed some light on how do providers do their internal symbol management. My side note on uppercasing was directed at internal procedures of particular data providers used at the time of DataSet creation to exclude duplicate symbols.
What is the consequence if I use the following components

They are built around SetContext. If the particular provider to which the call for the symbol is directed, is able to tell Ta from TA, it's going to be fine (IMHO). If not, c'est la vie.
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