Stock Strategy - Delta Neutral
Author: HappyLoser
Creation Date: 12/17/2008 12:38 PM
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I am currently doing some research in a very simple strategy which buys a stock (SP500 member) after 4 consecutive down days and exiting after 2 consecutive up days. When buying the single stock at the fifth day I would like to go short at the same time the SPY to hedge my position. In both positions I want to invest the same amount.

After spending a lot of time searching the community for adequate approaches I found solutions for pairs trading coded in WL4 only. Unfortunately this doesn't help me (I am a newbie regarding C#).

Is there something - like a link or a step by step guidance- that can help me making a progress? I want to test the strategy on the whole S&P 500 portfolio in simu mode.

Thanks a lot.

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Is there something - like a link or a step by step guidance- that can help me making a progress? I want to test the strategy on the whole S&P 500 portfolio in simu mode.

While this one should not be run in simu mode, it should get you started in pair trading:

Pairs Trading strategy

After spending a lot of time searching the community for adequate approaches I found solutions for pairs trading coded in WL4 only. Unfortunately this doesn't help me (I am a newbie regarding C#).

By the way, WealthScript Translator is already out in beta.
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