Split Positions - retaining position remains open
Author: 07nioe
Creation Date: 10/14/2018 2:01 PM
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Hi WL-Team,

I would like to exit half of the position if a certain condition is triggered. The second half of the position should be closed with the help of a TimeBasedExit. Unfortunately, the TimeBasedExit does not trigger.

I don't know where the error is. Can you help? Thanks. Here is the code:

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Hi Niels,

Splitting positions requires changing your strategy from single- to multi-position template. It doesn't look like your code is adjusted. On how to approach it please review your existing topic where you already asked a very similar question (i.e. adding a time-based exit in a SplitPosition scenario):

SplitPosition endless loop

My reply was to avoid SplitPosition but i you wish to prefer the SplitPosition route this time, check it out from the horse's mouth:

1. WealthScript Techniques | Splitting a Position, or
2. WealthScript Programming Guide > Techniques > Splitting Positions
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Hi Eugene, thank you very much. Problem resolved.

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Good to hear this. Glad to help you Niels.
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