Server Maintenance Sunday, 3 November, 0400 - 0700 ET (0900 - 1200 GMT)
Author: Cone
Creation Date: 10/31/2013 7:26 AM
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We'll be performing server maintenance this Sunday, 3 November, 0500 - 0800 ET (1000 - 1300 GMT) in which we expect there to be several brief periods of outages. Enjoy the downtime with your families and friends!
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We'll be getting underway with this shortly.
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We're still testing and will post here when everything is complete.
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While our maintenance lasts, some or even all services will not work: Wealth-Lab Developer authentication may fail, the Wiki won't work etc.

Sorry for the inconvenience. This is part of our server maintenance: Keep an eye on this thread for updates.
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Maintenance complete, all clear!
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