Preferred Values Not Being Saved
Author: sdbens20
Creation Date: 6/15/2011 10:55 PM
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I am unable to save and recall the preferred values for an optimization maximizing Net Profit. I do the following steps:

1. Open a strategy. Scale is Daily, Data Range is 2 years, and Raw Profit Mode is used.
2. Select "Optimize" at the bottom of the chart.
3. Edit parameters in the Optimization Control window.
4. Select Genetic optimization
5. Run the optimization on a single symbol.
6. Right click on "Assign Preferred Values based on the highest metric value per symbol".
Note: Max Net Profit is $1650 with the parameters at 160, 60, 100, and 60 on the results page.
7. Enter CTRL-S to save.
8. Do a "Save" in the toolbar next to "Open Strategy".
9. Click on "Monitor" at the bottom of the Results page.
10. Select the strategy in the Strategy Monitor.
11. Select "Change settings"
12. Check "Use Preferred Strategy Parameter Values assigned in Optimization"
13. Select "Activate Strategy" and wait for it to process and show some trades.
14. Right click on the strategy name and select "Open this strategy in a strategy window"
15. The chart that opens does not use the preferred parameter values and the PV symbol is not shown at the bottom of the price chart.

I'm using WLP ver. (64 bit) and Windows 7 Pro.

Any idea what I'm doing wrong?


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You're not doing anything wrong. This is a bug. Wait until 6.2 (comes out this month), it's already fixed in there.
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