Offset of a moving average?
Author: kvmp
Creation Date: 8/19/2010 9:15 AM
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How can I move back say a 5 period EMA by 3 periods
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Hit F11 to open the QuickRef tool, then click on "DataSeries Object" to read how to shift a data series.
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Just a note on your terminology. While you can perform a "move back" operation with <<, almost for sure it's something that you don't want to do in a Trading Strategy because it automatically creates a peeking condition. Instead, to "move forward" or "delay" a series, use >>.
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Thank you Eugene and Cone,

It worked, but with a little problem. I shifted the EMA to the left. At the end the plotted EMA had a vertical line going right up to zero price. The script was:
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Thanks for your help
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This is not a problem, this is 1) exactly by design and 2) the incorrect (peeking) usage.

You're shifting future values to the past, so obviously, the 3 values (<<3) will be 0 because we can't see 3 bars to the future.
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Thank you Eugene and Cone for your help. In WL4, fundtimer developed the following script:

{Offset EMA}
const Offset = 3;
var {Bar,} EMA11: integer;
EMA11 := OffsetSeries(EMASeries( #Close, 3), Offset);
for Bar := 3 to BarCount-1-Offset do
for Bar := BarCount-1 downto BarCount-0-Offset do
@EMA11[Bar] := @EMA11[BarCount-1-Offset-0];
for Bar := BarCount-1 downto BarCount-0-Offset do
PlotSeries( EMA11, 0, 0, 2 );

This assigns, say, yellow color to the shifted EMA, Then by assigning the same value to the last 3 days (= the value of the 4th day), and the color as that of the background (in this case black), the composite yellow EMA stands out without the last 3 days going to zero.

I translated this script to WL5, the whole composite EMA picks up the color assigned to the last 3 days. The translated script is:

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The script needs a little touch up to have different colors for the shifted EMA and the last 3 days. Please help.

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1. When posting code, please click the CODE button and paste your code between the tags.

2. I'm really not interested in promoting or developing scripts that peek. Why are you?
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