Neo Master for going Short
Author: tastoutdds
Creation Date: 3/1/2009 2:27 PM
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I am wondering if a script has been written that mirrors the classic Wealthlab Neomaster script but rather than buying he market it shorts the market. Neomaster worked well as a strategy in a bull market but is getting killed in this bear market. If someone could write it using the rules program rather than the script program it would be most helpful.
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Now, can you make it predict the bear market? :P
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Predicting the bear market -- how about The Hindenburg Omen, The Titanic Syndrome etc.?
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I tried using the copy and paste commands to enter this into my Wealthlab but that did not seem to work. So I printed out your script and entered it manually checking my entries twice. What I have is not working. Can you please recheck your work and if you find it correct, please advise me how to copy it into Wealthlab? Thank you so much for your help.
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The strategy undoubtedly works.

Most likely, copying and pasting failed because this site's having a bug when copying and pasting with your browser which is IE7.

Two workarounds:

1. Change IE7 to Firefox3. Copy/paste will work flawlessly and your browsing will benefit from extra speed, security and usability.
2. For IE7: copy -> paste to Wordpad -> copy from Wordpad -> paste elsewhere.
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