Jump between matching braces {} keyboard shortcut
Author: jheffez
Creation Date: 7/15/2018 2:12 PM
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With long code snippets between { } it's a huge time saver to jump between them (start/end). In Visual Studio and other IDE's there is a keyboard shortcut. I looked at the keyboard options and there is something called MoveToBrace. Was not able to try it since it's not possible to change the default CTRL+0em6 combo (which I don't know what it means). Any insite on this is appreciated.
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Redefining custom shortcuts in the Editor was disabled on purpose to prevent accidental conflicts:

Custom strategy editor keyboard shortcuts

If you require more flexible code editing features than the Strategy Editor allows, your best bet is to use the free Visual Studio Community 2017 as shown in the KB article:

How can I debug my trading strategies in Wealth-Lab?
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