GetDataSetName method in Strategy Monitor
Author: MarkStaunton
Creation Date: 6/12/2010 1:45 AM
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I use the community component method to get the dataset name when backtesting a strategy. However, this method returns "Strategy not found" when the code is run from the Strategy monitor.

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I am using this method to write the alerts generated from the strategy monitor to a sql database. I know this is a community component so probably not supported however any suggestions would be appreciated. Or better yet- is there a wealthlab method or property (which I may have missed) that will return the dataset name?
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The method doesn't work in Strategy Monitor and there's no native way to return the DataSet name (hopefully, it may change in a future version). Technical note: Any workaround using System.Reflection (GetDataSetName etc.) should not work in Strategy Monitor.
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