Encyclopedia of Wealth-Lab Trading Strategies
Author: jrumburg
Creation Date: 1/28/2017 2:49 AM
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Besides the pre-built strategies in Wealth Lab, is there any document or website that contains a large collection (an encyclopedia) of Wealth Lab trading strategies? I am interested in backtesting as many Wealth Lab trading strategies as I can.

Thank you.
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You can browse through the downloadable strategies on our website...

Strategy Finder

...and use the Strategy Ranking tool:

Rankings of Trading Strategies
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What is the default folder for strategy scripts downloaded from Wealth-Lab? When I downloaded the strategies WL did not ask me where to store them, and now I can't find them on my hard drive.

Thank you.
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There is not. They are in all of the folders, marked by us on upload for your convenience. Visit each folder and sort by date to see them.

When you download for the first time, make sure that "Download public strategies" is checked and "Published since" is either unchecked or set to a date in the distant past. On subsequent downloads just let WLP control the date picker.
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