Documentation of methods
Author: mlinke2901
Creation Date: 2/16/2010 7:58 AM
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I created a strategy with the rules wizzard. There are some methodes in the generated code that I do not understand:

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- What does the GetTradingLoopStartBar(30) method and how does it do it?
- What is the "Group1" all about?
- Where do I find a documetation that lists all the functions and methods of wealthscript (parameter signature, explanation - msdn .net API style)?


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Please look it up in the QuickRef.
- What is the "Group1" all about?

We've explained it on the forum a few times, it isn't something specific - just matching a signal name using a very basic and extremely helpful C# String.Contains method.
- Where do I find a documetation that lists all the functions and methods of wealthscript (parameter signature, explanation - msdn .net API style)?

All that Fidelity decided to document and that you would need to use in your WealthScript programs are documented in the QuickRef tool (hit F11). If some interface/class is not documented, it's either will be documented in the API reference, or will not be documented at all (not a use case). Plus the MSDN, of course - you can use nearly all of those .NET classes in your WL5 programs.
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