Date labeling
Author: Swissi
Creation Date: 11/11/2011 3:20 AM
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Can I control the format of the y-axis date labeling format (f.ex. dd-mmm-yyyyy, ddmmmyyyy, yyyymmmddd).In my case, the readability is not particulary good (see example!). I am happy to send an print screen example!

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Yes, Windows Control Panel > Regional Settings > date/time formats.
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That is not a very satisfactory solution. Some customizing would be useful. Is this possible?
The dates should made better visible, just compare them with Metastock or Bloomberg charts.

I send you a WL chart (at by mail to make my point even clearer.
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You asked about controlling the date format, and the answer was precisely about date/time format, isn't it?

For better readability, change the font size in Wealth-Lab's Preferences dialog > Chart Color and Styles > Chart Fonts > Axis fonts.

P.S. When in need of uploading a chart next time, simply use any image hoster. There are countless upload sites out there (Google Picasa, ImageShack etc.)
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In my old WL 4.0, the date labels were Nov-10, Dec-10,... even with daily data. In the WLD 6.2, I have 01.11.2010, 01.12.2010,....

You say, that I can change the new format to the old format only through the Windows Control Panel? What would be the impact of such a change to other windows programs like Excel?
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In my old WL 4.0, the date labels were Nov-10, Dec-10,... even with daily data. In the WLD 6.2, I have 01.11.2010, 01.12.2010,....

And now Wealth-Lab adheres to user-selected system settings (i.e. date/time format, proxy defined in Internet Options).
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I just tried to change the date format under systems settings to (MMM-YYYY).

Result: WL was not starting any more (I am using Windows7 and the 64-bit version).
I have done it twice because I could not believe it. You can try it by yourself.

I had to change the systems settings back to the old format. Could it be be that WL is so sensitive to the format under system settings?
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Sorry to bother you, but on my machine there is no file "WealthLabConfig.txt". I do not think, that is a hidden file, but I have screen my harddisk several times.

I have a few *.txt files in my "C:\Program Files\MS123\Wealth-Lab Developer 6\" but there is nothing in the data folder.

(I use Windows 7 Professional version and all my data are on a server. But that should have no impact.)

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Thanks for the help.

Sorry, that does not help. I cannot find the file...

The only file somewhat "close" is the following one:


In that file, I can find lines like:
<appender name="RollingLogFileAppender" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender">
<file value="${APPDATA}\\Fidelity Investments\\WealthLabDev\\\\Logs\\wld.txt" />
<appendToFile value="true" />
<rollingStyle value="Date" />
<datePattern value="yyyyMMdd" />
<maxSizeRollBackups value="10" />
<layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">

But even if I delete this file, WealthLabDev is running.

Just another remark:
I have just looked at the November edition of Stocks&Commodities. If you are going to the Traders's Tip section with all the codes, compare once the data labeling of Wealth-Lab with those of other software like Amibroker, Neurshell, Stratasearch, UPDATA (very good example!). Of course, there are some other bad examples. But with WL charts in S&C, you need a reading-glas to see the data labels.
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I believe I already gave sufficient answers to both questions.

1. "I can not find the file" - please re-read the Wiki in my reply from 11/11/2011 11:32 AM. It's not "that doesn't help" - you did not apply the change correctly and you're still looking in the wrong place.

2. Re: visibility, carefully re-read my reply dated 11/11/2011 6:03 AM.

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