Creating 5.5 series from 4.5 code - error in way I apply PriceClose & Bar
Author: tedclimo
Creation Date: 11/24/2009 4:40 PM
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I am attempting to create a new series in 5.5. Error msg tells me that I am mistaken in my usage of PRICECLOSE, BAR & BARNUM.
I've searched the programming guide, but can't figure out what I am doing wrong.
Would appreciate some help here. Below, you will find the 4.5 code, the WSTL translation & how far I got in 5.5 before I got stuck.

Here is 4.5 code: --- This works great
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Here is WSTL code: --- This also works great
Please log in to see this code.

Here is the 5.5 code where I ran into trouble:
It tells me I am using PriceClose, Bar & Barnum incorrectly.
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Thanks in advance,
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There are no PriceClose, PriceOpen and BarNum any more:

PriceClose = Close[bar]
PriceOpen = Open[bar]
BarNum = IntradayBarNumber

Hint: see the WealthScript Guide > DataSeries and in the QuickRef.
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Thanks Eugene,
I made the substitutions you suggested and all errors vanished.

One question:... Is "(double)Close[Bar]" same thing thing as "Bars.Close[Bar]" ? They both Compile, just want to be sure I used correct one.

Here's the code as it stands now:
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Thanks for tips!
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One question:... Is "(double)Close[Bar]" same thing thing as "Bars.Close[Bar]" ? They both Compile, just want to be sure I used correct one.

Bingo! I just wanted it to keep it simple.

By the way, you may drop the so called cast i.e. (double) - it's not required here: Close[bar] would be enough.
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Thank You!
I've managed to get the 5.5 syntax correct all the way thru the Buying loop. Selling loops are proving more challenging, but making progress.
Happy Thanksgiving.
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I was looking for an automated way to convert my code and just registered for the 5.5 site. It looks like I am SOL and have to re-write the code. Does anyone have a code converter?
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In the future, please create a new topic, thank you.

The download link is here, scroll down to: Will Wealth-Lab Developer 5.x recognize my chartscripts?
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