Combination Strategy Error
Author: dansmo
Creation Date: 6/23/2011 9:58 AM
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While I was trying to integrate one of my strategies in a combination strategy I found the following:

When I create a combination strategy with just this one strategy I get an error message:
Runtime Error: File not found

and the backtest aborts.
When this same strategy with the same settings is run as a normal strategy I get the error:
Error processing symbol XY File not found.

and the strategy continious its run and finishes.
Teh strategy reads dates for dividend ex-dates from files. Sometimes the file is missing, that´s when the above error occurs. Until now I did not care much, since the strategy ran anyway.
Is combination strategy much more sensible? Why is that? I would expect the strategy to work exactly the same way as in a single strategy mode.
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Please check out synonymous thread: Combination Strategy error message.
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Sorry, did not see that one. Shall I create a support ticket, too?
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I have to leave this question to Cone who seems like already have a plan.
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Sorry, did not see that one. Shall I create a support ticket, too?
Sure, just to make sure that I get one.

I have to leave this question to Cone who seems like already have a plan.
No plan, but we're going to have to start testing with scripts that are expected to generate errors. Really guys, it never dawned on me that customers operate with and overlook runtime errors in their scripts on a regular basis.
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Really guys, it never dawned on me that customers operate with and overlook runtime errors in their scripts on a regular basis.

Well, I guess that is because we are happy if the strategies run dn dont care about minor errors. As non native programmers we dont care much about clean code that deals with every possible try/catch scenario.
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If a script doesn't run on a symbol that you are including in your test, it's more than a minor error.
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