Buying below a moving average
Author: aleehatami
Creation Date: 11/25/2009 5:53 PM
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Hi, I am new to Wealth Lab and I have a couple of questions. I noticed when I am trying to enter in a price from a strategy it will wait for the OPEN or the CLOSE of the bar. If I am to run this strategy live, I need it to enter in as soon as it gets below a moving average (not at the close when it might have had a chance to get back up) Can I do this with wealthlab? In back testing it only buys at the open or close of the bar?

Also is there a way (I am a horrible coder) to avoid trading the first and last hour of the market?

Thanks in advance. Any help would greatly be apreciated!!

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Can I do this with wealthlab?
I don't think we'd be in business if we couldn't!

In back testing it only buys at the open or close of the bar?
It would only do that if you coded it that way.

I need it to enter in as soon as it gets below a moving average
Use a BuyAtLimit order with a limit price below the moving average, e.g. movingAverageSeries[bar] - 0.01

avoid trading the first and last hour of the market?
This is from the WL5Wiki Strategy FAQs. It should be pretty obvious how to modify it.

Please log in to see this code.

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Hey Cone thanks a lot! Is there any tutorial on how to do what you said with the movingAverageSeries[bar]? I don't think you can do it without manually coding it yourself right?

Thanks for the script on the time limit problem I had... works like a charm.
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Right, it's possible in code-based strategies.
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