Big change in performance between 10% and 80% of Equity
Author: goldenwaterox
Creation Date: 6/15/2011 7:08 PM
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I am a complete newbie. I have been back-testing numerous strategies, and none of them make money. Then,after alot of tinkering around, I realized that my Position Size was not setup correctly in WealthLab.

For example,
Initially, the Position Size was 10% of Equity, and when I raised it to 80% of Equity, there was a big change in performance!

Does anyone have recommendations for Preferences and Position Size?

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A position size can not be "correct" or "incorrect" per se: it can be suggested by your risk- and money-management strategy.

Without judging how long an account would last with 4/5 of the money risked in a single trade, make sure you've read what the Wealth-Lab User Guide says about the technical side of things:

Strategy Window > Backtesting Strategies > 100% of Equity Sizing
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