Optimization Results Memory
Author: gbullr
Creation Date: 3/8/2014 5:14 PM
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Help with the following porblem please.

I have run a multiparameter optimization and there are 2 results that I want to use and therefore I want to store them w/in the strategy file itself.

One solution that I have is to:

param1 = CreateParameter("BOutLen",val1,val1,val2,val2-val1);

while this solution works it is not great because if I want to re-run the optimizatoin I would have to change the potential parameters.

The second solution that I thought of was this (only partial solution) assume that scenario 1 and scenario 2 are "stored"

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The above does not work, but is there a away to make it work?

Thanks a lot in advance.

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I can in theory use this?

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Still confused.

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If you took all the code from this thread...


...then intentionally creating a duplicate thread looks odd. Answered there.
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